
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Soul Hungers

It has been over a year since I was last in the temple. That statement is one that can either sadden me and make me want to give up, or it can make me go to my calendar and cross off every day that brings me closer to that wonderful and holy place.

I was reading in Alma today. The very first war recorded in Alma is won by the Nephites. It is recorded that as Alma battled Amlici he prayed to the Lord to bring him strength. And I realized, not for the first time, that whether it is for your life or for your soul, perhaps especially for one's soul, the Lord will bring strength if we ask for it. He will pour it onto us in waterfall mode and give us a good pep talk while He's at it. And I don't know about you, but that's the best unbirthday gift I never really think to ask for.

The temple. I would live there, were it possible. When you think about it, I seriously want to inherit what He has because He has a TON of castles.