
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Man It's Been A While! But I Can't Let This Day Go Unwritten!!!

So how many exciting things do I have to list off? I mean, take away the fact that I am Finally Officially in my 3rd Trimester. (One friend has said that it seems I will just be pregnant for ever and ever. Lol!) We could even skip all the details about my back pain and how I am finally finding ways to cope with it. Let's even skip details about the EPICNESS of the 50th Anniversary Episode Day of the Doctor. I won't bore you with what a fan girl I am and how sad the extent of my conversion to this fan club is. Facebook has seen enough of that. 

   Instead, let us concentrate on the fact that MY SISTER HAD HER BABY TODAY!!!!!!! Aiden James came into this world at 10:39am and he weighed 7 lb 3oz. 
   I wasn't there in person, but I woke up every couple hours last night checking my phone for updates and not wanting to miss a thing. Hope was miserable and in pain, went to the hospital yesterday evening and didn't think she would have the baby then. Well, a night in the hospital and here he is! 
   I think so far I have announced it to everyone that will listen, including the cashier at Dillons. I can't wait to meet him, this little human that will someday be a man. It's crazy when you look at a baby, and then you look at an adult, and you look back at the baby and think, "You grow into that? But you're just so tiny!" Today has made me think about how I can't wait to meet my own little gentleman. It will be an honor to meet the soul that God has entrusted us to teach and to raise. (He kicks me a lot, but we'll just have to teach him how to not beat woman once he's out. ;D )

   Thanksgiving will just be my main distraction until we can finally hit the road for Nevada and go see my nephew. Today I bought a beautiful 20 lb turkey. I am so excited. I love baking turkeys. They just become so delicious. But alas, I will only make them for special occasions. There are only two ways I cook a turkey. One is deep frying, and yes when done properly that is a delicious way of presenting this bird. My personal favorite, however, takes days of prep, and hours upon hours of work. So while the end result is the best bird in the whole wide world, I do not cook it very often. I tend to add steps every time I cook it, adding more layers to the flavor. It's really quite terrifying but I can't think of anything I have more fun doing than cooking. Wait, shopping. Shopping is on a whole different level. 

   Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be thankful today for little babies, and the fact that once upon a time you too were cute beyond imagination. (And still are! Psh!) 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Time When Diapers Smell Good

   Don't jump to conclusions, these diapers have not been used. They just sit there in our nursery. Sometimes when I am in there looking-at/cataloging/making-more-lists so-I-can-catalog-everything-again I stop and I take a look around, and I picture everything. And yes, yesterday I hugged a package of diapers. I noticed that they smell good right now. And so I dub this small period in my life The Time When Diapers Smelled Good. 

   After so long without writing anything, I thought for a little while about how I would re-introduce myself to all the people who don't read my blog. I thought about being all deep and talking about how much I've changed. But honestly, duh. It's been almost a year. Everything has changed! So let's skip all that Mumbo-Jumbo and talk about babies! Because babies are fun, and terrifying, and worth every pain in this short body of mine. :) 

   The fun part is the free stuff. We have gotten more free stuff than when we got married. Nobody gives you money like when you get married. However, like Jacob's mom Jessica so kindly did, they show up at your door with cribs. Everyone wants you take their kid's old clothes. We have 2 or 3 bouncers in our Nursury already. By the time we make it to our baby shower we won't have anything left to ask for except diapers and the like. I exaggerate, but only a little. I love it! I love seeing so many people that think of us and care for us. It is heartwarming. I have felt my Father in Heaven's love for me. Every parent wants for their kids everything they didn't have. For me, it comes down to him/her knowing that he/she is never forgotten. That they are worth every minute of time that anyone spends on them. That they are loved, and they worthy of love. I have felt Heavenly Father assuring me that this will always be the case. So many times in my life I have wondered if I was worth anyone's love. I made a pretty good case of examples from my life too. And then even when God proved me wrong and  I knew that I was, I didn't know that anyone else but God could see that. I have always told myself that my kids would never have reason to doubt their worth. I always felt that I had good reason. This life inside me will be different. 

   That leads us right into the terrifying part. There is a life inside me! Ahh! Even someone as prepared emotionally as my almighty self thought I was can never truly be prepared for this. I always knew that when you have kids, it's "Buck it up" time. It's "Get your crap together" time. "No excuses" time! Basically, this kid is coming, it deserves everything that you and this world has to offer so you better be sure you can offer it everything. A new life is a beautiful thing. This new life is pure, it is special, it is worthy of heaps and piles of love and devotion and attention. 
   I still knew all of this when I got pregnant. And I am glad that never in my life did I ever view my children as anything less than my entire life. Because when it hits you that you have this responsibility on your shoulders, I suddenly felt very small. My life flashed before my eyes. I suddenly wasn't so sure of myself. I did not immediately "Buck it up." Everything from, "What if I accidentally eat something bad and my baby comes out with two heads!" All the way to "What if my kid is that teenager that bullies everyone and doesn't care! I don't want stuck up kids! I want compassionate kids!" The what if's can pile up forever if you sit there and think long enough. Jacob assured me that our kids wouldn't be bullies, because from a very young age we would teach them compassion and to follow Christ's example. The pregnancy books assured me that it is very rare for a baby to come out with two heads, and even then it isn't the mother's fault. So I keep moving. "Bucking it up." is easier said than done though. I have learned my lesson. 

   We will find out if it's boy or girl in the next two weeks. Jacob wants a boy. I have switched over to leaning towards wanting a girl. But honestly, like I have any control over it right? I'm just excited to find out so that we can make a baby registry and start partying!